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GLDAS Model Output

GLDAS follows the ALMA definitions and conventions for the land surface model output variables outlined here

Descriptions are available at the GES DISC.

Model Output Summary Table

Name GRIB PDS IDs Description Units Time
Swnet 111 Net short wave radiation flux W m-2 average
Lwnet 112 Net long-wave radiation flux W m-2 average
Qle 121 Latent heat net flux W m-2 average
Qh 122 Sensible heat net flux W m-2 average
Qg 155 Heat flux W m-2 average
Snowf 131 Snow precipitation rate kg m-2 s-1 average
Rainf 132 Rain precipitation rate kg m-2 s-1 average
Evap 057 Evapotranspiration kg m-2 s-1 average
Qs 235 Storm surface runoff kg m-2 per 3-hour or kg m-2 s-1 accumulation or average
Qsb 234 Baseflow-groundwater runoff kg m-2 per 3-hour or kg m-2 s-1 accumulation or average
Qsm 099 Snow melt kg m-2 per 3-hour or kg m-2 s-1 or kg m-2 accumulation or average
AvgSurfT 138 Average Surface Skin temperature K instantaneous
Albedo   Albedo % instantaneous
SWE 065 Snow depth water equivalent kg m-2 instantaneous
SnowDepth   Snow depth M instantaneous
SoilMoist[depth] 086 Soil moisture kg m-2 instantaneous
SoilTMP[depth] 085 Soil temperature K instantaneous
PotEvap   Potential evaporation rate W m-2 average
ECanop   Canopy water evaporation W m-2 average
Tveg   Transpiration W m-2 average
ESoil   Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil W m-2 average
RootMoist   Root zone soil moisture kg m-2 instantaneous
CanopInt 071 Plant canopy surface water kg m-2 instantaneous
 SnowT    Snow surface temperature  K average
 Acond    Aerodynamic conductance  m s-1 average
 TWS    Terrestrial water storage  mm average
 GWS    Ground water storage  mm average
Wind_f 032 Wind speed m/s instantaneous
Rainf_f   Total precipitation rate kg m-2 s-1 instantaneous
Tair_f 011 Temperature K instantaneous
Qair_f 051 Specific humidity kg/kg instantaneous
Psurf_f 001 Pressure Pa instantaneous
SWdown_f 204 Downward   short-wave  radiation W m-2 average or instantaneous
LWdown_f 205 Downward    long-wave    radiation W m-2 average or instantaneous

*"_f" indicates forcing variables *Not all variables are available in all LSMs or in GLDAS1