About HydroGlobe
HydroGlobe represents an advanced land surface reanalysis integrating many remote sensing datasets within the Noah-MP land surface model using the NASA LIS software framework. The assimilation in HydroGlobe includes soil moisture from NASA SMAP and other microwave sensors obtained through the Climate Change Initiative Program data released by the European Space Agency (ESA CCI), leaf area index (LAI) from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), terrestrial water storage anomalies from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment and follow-on satellites (GRACE/GRACE-FO), and snow water equivalent derived from MODIS using machine learning-based reconstruction approaches. The HydroGlobe simulations are forced with meteorology from NASA’s atmospheric reanalysis MERRA-2, satellite-based radiation products from the NASA CERES project, and precipitation from GPM IMERG. The model integrations will be close to real time, at a 5-km spatial resolution globally, and will span a time period of 2003 to present.
Note that the 5-km HydroGlobe data is not yet available. Please check this page for updates on data availability.
POC (Points of Contact) for HydroGlobe:
- Dr. Sujay Kumar (NASA Goddard SFC): sujay.v.kumar@nasa.gov
- Dr. Chris Hain (NASA Marshall SFC): christopher.hain@nasa.gov
Table 1: List of HydroGlobe surface forcing variables. Data is available hourly.
Table 2: List of expected Noah-MP LSM output variables from HydroGlobe. Data is daily-averaged except where noted below.
Table 3: List of expected HyMAP routing output variables from HydroGlobe. Data is daily-averaged.
A 10-km version of HydroGlobe was previously developed.
Please see this NASA Earthdata VEDA Dashboard Data Story on the earlier 10-km version of Hydroglobe.
You can also explore the 10-km global data product catalog.