Output data for several FLDAS model runs and selected periods have been reprocessed.
McNally, A., et al.: A Central Asia hydrologic monitoring dataset for food and water security applications in Afghanistan, ESSD, 14, 3115–3135, 2022.
Central Asia Extended Outlook: Reservoir water levels are low with a possible drought looming, 2021, .
Elevated chances of drought in March to May 2022 rainy season in East Africa,
Famine Early Warning Systems Network Land Data Assimilation System (FLDAS) global data are now publicly available on Climate Engine.
McNally, A., Acute Water-Scarcity Monitoring for Africa, Water, 11(10), 1968, doi: 10.3390/w11101968, 2019.
05/31/2019 NASA image of the day: East Africa drought shown through soil moisture anomalies from the FEWS NET LDAS (FLDAS) system.
05/22/2019 Afghanistan season monitor includes figures (2 & 3) from FLDAS/LIS Central Asia modeling